Slow Food Hawaii

Good, clean, fair food for all.


Our Principles of Organization

Slow Food Hawaii has set forth the following principles to guide the behavior of the organization’s Convivium Board as it works to set goals and define activities.

We foster a sense of discovery and learning about food, its traditions in Hawaii, and sustainable agriculture.

We are committed to building a sense of community among the members by organizing activities that foster friendship, common purpose, and appreciation for food, food traditions, and agriculture in Hawaii.

Organizational Structure

We are organized in one Convivium Board with one Administration Committee, and options Subcommittees. The composition and duties for the members of the Administrative Committee of the Convivium Board are as follows:

Leader, who acts as liaison to national/international Slow Food, handles all inquiries to Slow Food Hawaii, oversees financials along with the Treasurer, assists with end-of-year report for National office and presides at all meetings

Assistant Leader, who acts with the powers of the Leader in the Leader’s absence.

Secretary, who handles external communication, and writes and distributes minutes of the meetings.

Treasurer, who is in charge of financial affairs including the receipt, deposit and disbursement of funds from the Slow Food Hawaii bank account; the compilation of the financial portion of the year-end report for the National office, presents a monthly financial report to the leadership team.


Subcommittees shall be organized when the need arises, and may include Membership, Kona Area Liaison, East Side Liaison, and Website.

The Convivium Board is comprised of the Administration Committee (LeaderSecretaryand Treasurer) and Chairs of each Subcommittee. The Convivium Board will act as trusted servants for the activities undertaken by the Convivium.

Members of the Convivium Board serve for terms of two years with a maximum of three consecutive terms (or six years) of service. In January of each term’s final year, the Administration Committee will accept and select nominations from all the members of the Convivium for Convivium Board. A broadcast message to the membership shall announce a window of time for nominations, including self-nominations.

If a member of the Administration Committee or a Chair of any Sub-Committee resigns or is removed from their position before the end of the term, the Convivium Board may elect, through a majority vote of the Board, a replacement to fill that seat for the rest of the current term without consulting the members at large.

The Convivium Board shall meet a minimum of 6 times in a calendar year.

Meetings of the Convivium Board will take place at the request of any member of the Administration Committee.

The Convivium Board shall be confirmed by the membership in the election year at the annual meeting which shall be held in the first quarter of the year.

ADOPTED: March 1, 2009


© Slow Food Hawaii